Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe? - VITAL+ Pharmacy

Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe?

COVIDSafeCarla Griscti
Are Covid conspiracy theories causing you concern? Here we separate fact from fiction
COVID-19: How to Practice Safe Social Distancing - VITAL+ Pharmacy

COVID-19: How to Practice Safe Social Distancing

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies
The dos and don'ts of physical distancing
Which Type of Face Mask Should I Wear? - VITAL+ Pharmacy

Which Type of Face Mask Should I Wear?

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies
Not sure which face mask to invest in? Our in-house pharmacist

Melissa Jaeger gives us the lowdown on the masks to invest in

What You Need To Know Before Re-Opening For Phase 3  - VITAL+ Pharmacy

What You Need To Know Before Re-Opening For Phase 3 

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies
We’ve compiled a list of essential products you need to keep your gym clean, disinfected and sanitised to ensure you, your staff, and customers are safe upon return.
The New Norm At School - VITAL+ Pharmacy

The New Norm At School

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies
In line with the World Health Organization’s official guidelines, we created a curated list of essentials for keeping your school COVIDClean.
Back to Business: Your Essential COVID Health Check - VITAL+ Pharmacy

Back to Business: Your Essential COVID Health Check

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies

After months of staying at home, parks, gyms, playgrounds, leisure centres and entertainment quarters (not to mention children and parents) all over the country are cheering in unison at the prospect of opening up their doors. But in the wake of the pandemic, its essential to make the necessary precautions to ensure your premises remains safe, healthy and covid-free.

Whether you’re a personal trainer or indoor entertainment centre, there are plenty of ways to prep your business for a safe return. From sanitising stations and social distancing to floor layouts and shift work, we’ve pulled together some helpful tips and essential buys to ensure your back to work strategy is a complete success.

Back to business: A health and Safety COVID Checklist - VITAL+ Pharmacy

Back to business: A health and Safety COVID Checklist

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies

Whether you’re a small business owner or self-employed tradesman, there are plenty of ways to prep yourself and your site for a safe return. From sanitising stations and surface wipes to social distancing and cleaning schedules, we’ve pulled together some helpful tips and essential buys to ensure your back to work strategy is a complete success.



Back to business: Your Hospitality Covid Health Check - VITAL+ Pharmacy

Back to business: Your Hospitality Covid Health Check

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies

Plan a safe back to work strategy with these hospitality hygiene essentials



Stop the spread: Covid Safety Measures for Health Care Workers - VITAL+ Pharmacy

Stop the spread: Covid Safety Measures for Health Care Workers

COVIDSafeVital Pharmacy Supplies

Plan a safe return to work strategy with these health approved hygiene essentials